Memorable Moments That Deserve a Casting Kit

New mom holding newborn

Birth of a Child

The birth of your child is one of the most incredible moments in any parent’s life. The first time that a mother and father are able to touch the hands of their newborn is something that should be preserved. A Luna Bean Deluxe Baby Casting Kit can help you capture that split second in time where you formed a tangible bond with your baby and gives you the chance to look back on their first moments, even when they’ve grown.

Wedding band being place on mans hand


Your wedding is one event in your life where your hands take center stage. The exchanging of rings is the pinnacle of any relationship and, while it can be captured in pictures or on video, it is difficult to truly relive that moment. A 3D Casting Kit allows you to freeze that second in time where you and your spouse joined hands as a married couple for the first time.

a couple having a glass of wine



An anniversary is a perfect opportunity for remembrance and reflection on your relationship. Whether you are celebrating a single year together or decades of your life as a couple, you can use the opportunity to give both you and your partner a gift that you can cherish for years to come with a hand cast. It’s a physical, artful reminder of your bond that you can look back on at any time. 

Friends at a graduation


Graduations are a huge time for transition in any person’s life. Whether or not you are staying close to your school or moving somewhere else, the fact is that your life will change and you won’t likely be experiencing the same routine with the same people every day. An XL Luna Bean Keepsake Hand Plaster Kit is perfect for capturing a transformative moment in your life with friends, teammates, roommates, and even family.

The physical nature of a hand cast accomplishes more than a simple picture or video — it can bring you back to a singular moment in time in an extremely tangible way. Find out for yourself when you try one of the 3D Casting Kits from Casting Keepsakes. Shop for yours today and help immortalize some of the best moments in your life!


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